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Номер товара B-212651 Steve Martin

Architect Academy

$12.99 $7.00

Architect Academy

$12.99 $7.00
Спецификация товара
Номер товара B-212651
Автор Steve Martin
Publisher Kane Miller
Количество страниц 64
Иллюстрации Цветные
Обложка Мягкая
Формат Увеличенный
Язык Английский
ISBN 978-1-61067-535-2
Серия Academy Series
Размер 7 3/4 x 9 1/2 inch
Discover the essential skills required on the way to becoming an architect in this innovative activity book. Architect Academy gives kids the know-how to plan and draw all sorts of structures, from bridges and schools, to parks and pyramids. Activities range from designing a residential street and your perfect play park to learning some of the math skills used by architects, how to read floor plans, and the basics of interior design. The Architect Toolbag section contains all sorts of goodies, such as Architect Task stickers to use when a challenge is completed, a pull-out poster, and press-out game cards to share with friends. Architect Academy encourages imaginative play and problem solving, and the fresh, contemporary artwork helps to make basic design and space planning concepts accessible.

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