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Номер товара B-218046

Odd Animal Helpers. Level 3


Odd Animal Helpers. Level 3

Спецификация товара
Номер товара B-218046
Publisher Scholastic
Количество страниц 32
Иллюстрации Цветные
Обложка Мягкая
Формат Увеличенный
Язык Английский
ISBN 9780545331470
Серия Scholastic Reader
Размер 150x 240 mm
See how the most unlikely animals work together! Everyday, countless animals and plants work together in unique ways. Although some of these symbiotic relationships are unexpected, like a large rhinoceros needing the help of a small bird, all of them are essential for the animal's survival. This reader will provide a basic introduction to a variety of symbiotic relationships, including those in which only one side benefits.

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