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Номер товара B-126315 Ершов П. Yershov P.

Little Magic Horse. Конек-горбунок. Mstiora Painting


Little Magic Horse. Конек-горбунок. Mstiora Painting

Спецификация товара
Номер товара B-126315
Автор Ершов П. Yershov P.
Место издания Санкт-Петербург
Издательство Медный Всадник
Год издания 2014
Количество страниц 160
Иллюстрации Да
Обложка Твердая
Язык Русский
ISBN 978-5-93893-914-1
THE LITTLE MAGIC HORSE is a brilliant tale in verse, an everlasting masterpiece in the spirit of Russian folklore and one of unsolved riddles of great Russian literature. This utterly fascinating piece of poetry intended for children contains so many hidden undertones that soon after its publication it was forbidden by the Tzar himself and its author Pyotr Yershov, who created this unsurpassable work, Russia's best fairy tale, at the age of eighteen, remained forever the author of a single work and is still regarded as one of the most mysterious Russian literary figures. In the interpretation of the Mstiora artist Vadimir Nemov, an outstanding master of Russian lacquered miniatures, the brave Ivan, or Johnny, a peasant's son, the silly Tzar, the magic humpbacked horse and other characters of this merry tale appear before the reader as vivid and memorable images. Nemov's beautiful illustrations still further enhance the unforgettable impression of this exciting children's book.

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