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Номер товара B-117374

The Hermitage. Эрмитаж


The Hermitage. Эрмитаж

Спецификация товара
Номер товара B-117374
Место издания Санкт-Петербург
Издательство П-2
Количество страниц 304
Иллюстрации Да
Обложка Твердая
Формат Увеличенный
Язык Английский
ISBN 978-5-93893-817-5
There are few museums of the Hermitage range in the world, and even among them the Hermitage stands out thanks to its exclusive features. Different physical and spiritual spaces cross in the Hermitage, strikingly and sometimes unexpectedly. The metamorphoses occurring with them open up endless images of the artistic universe of the Hermitage. Common notions of dimensions, relationships and movements are not always valid for these spaces. The Hermitage occupies nine buildings today. However, there are more of them in reality. The Winter Palace of Peter the Great, which is situated within the Hermitage Theatre, under its stage, might well be added to them. Another building to be taken into account is the Restoration and Storage Centre located in the area of Staraya Derevnia, if only half-completed now...

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