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Номер товара F-227541

Mother's Day Hummingbird


Mother's Day Hummingbird

Спецификация товара
Номер товара F-227541
Издательство Lovepop
Год издания 2023
Количество страниц 1
Размер 7x7 inch
Язык Английский

The front cover of this card is clean and white, and features a gorgeous purple and green hummingbird, hovering over a delicate lily, with the message "Happy Mother's Day" is written in a delicate pink script underneath. Once opened, a stunning 3D hummingbird  pops out against a floral white background. The inner panels of the card are patterned with various colored allium flowers, otherwise known as Tumbleweed Onions or Spring Bulbs. This beautiful and colorful display is lively and fun, while still being graceful, classy, and serene.

Occasions for the Mother's Day Hummingbird Pop up Card:
This Mother's Day card represents mothers, spring time, grace, regal beauty, love, and so much more. All the things we want to recognize in our moms can be said with this unique gift. Celebrate all the moms, mothers, mums, mommas, grandmas, sisters, aunts, daughters, or any other special lady in your life who you want to recognize on Mother's Day. Whether it is from a child to their parent or a spouse to their wife, honor the dedicated and hardworking gals of the house with a card that shows your appreciation, one that is as bright and wonderful as the person who you are sending it to.

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