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Номер товара B-231472 Bondarenko V.

You Believe, I Don't!

$50.00 $13.00

You Believe, I Don't!

$50.00 $13.00
Спецификация товара
Номер товара B-231472
Автор Bondarenko V.
Издательство Arts Archive Press
Год издания 2023
Количество страниц 40
Иллюстрации Цветные
Обложка Мягкая
Формат Средний
Язык Английский
ISBN 9781947600034
Размер 7 x 10 inches
Dear Reader! I am sure you like to fantasize. Everyone does, but kids are the best fantasizers in the world. Fantasy means imagining things that are not real. There are other words to say instead of fantasizing: imagine, dream, visualize, or build castles in the air. Two boys are tired of everyday routines like homework, school, meals, and babysitting. They consider their life awful and create a new game, You Believe, I Don't! Paul and Jack make up stories and tell them, convincing each other to believe the story is true, though, sometimes, it is not. Susi, a classmate, is a judge. She supervises how the players follow the rules and announces the score. Paul and Jack make up incredible stories, they have a lot of fun, but the winner is only one! Who? Jack or Paul? Would you like to find out? Rush to read You Believe, I Don't! It is a fascinating story! With love, Valentina Bondarenko, Author, and Illustrator